CS 4713/5713 – Computational Learning Theory (Fall 2024)
Table of Contents
Course Description
Learning using membership queries, equivalence queries, version spaces, decision trees, linear models. Probably approximately correct (PAC) learning, VC-theory, distribution-independent learning. Representation issues and intractability. Noise models, statistical queries, PAC learning under noise, poisoning attacks, adversarial examples. Distribution-specific learning and evolvability. Online learning and mistake bounds. Weak and strong learning (boosting). No student may receive credit for 4713 and 5713.
[Course Description] [Table of Contents] [Top]
Basic Information
The syllabus is available here.
Time and Location
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:30am – 11:45am, Carson Engineering Center 0441.
Contact Information
Please see here.
Office Hours
I will be holding my office hours at the following times.
- Tuesdays
- 3:00pm – 3:50pm, 230 Devon Energy Hall
- Thursdays
- 3:00pm – 3:50pm, 230 Devon Energy Hall
- Fridays
- 1:30pm – 2:15pm, 230 Devon Energy Hall
Please note that while anyone is welcome during my office hours (Dimitris Diochnos), students from CS 4713/5713 will have precedence on Fridays, while students from CS 3823 will have precedence on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Exceptions to the Regular Schedule of Office Hours
If you want to meet me outside of my office hours, please send me an email and arrange an appointment.
Friday, October 11, 2024: I will not hold office hours on October 11, 2024. This day is semi-holiday due to the game that OU has against Texas.
[Basic Information] [Table of Contents] [Top]
Homework Assignments
Assignment 1: Announced on Tue, Aug 27 (week 2). Due on Thu, Sep 12 (week 4).
Assignment 2: Announced on Mon, Sep 12 (week 4). Due on Thu, Sep 26 (week 6).
Assignment 3: Announced on Fri, Sep 27 (week 6). Due on Sat, Oct 10 (week 8).
Assignment 4: Announced on Mon, Oct 7 (week 8). Due on Tue, Oct 22 (week 10).
Assignment 5: Announced on Wed, Nov 6 (week 12). Due on Mon, Dec 2 (week 16).
[Homework Assignments] [Table of Contents] [Top]
Course Projects
The project description is available here. The same file is also available on Canvas.
Candidate Material
The project description has a link to the Excel spreadsheet that has a list of papers that are recommended for the project.
The link is available here again. This link expires within 30 days due to OU's policy. So, please let me know if this is the case so that I can renew the link. Meanwhile, here is a, potentially outdated, local copy of the Excel Spreadsheet with the list of paper.
[Final Projects] [Table of Contents] [Top]
Computational Learning Theory Resources
The following books are very relevant to our course and are also available for free in electronic format in the following links:
- Machine Learning, by Tom Mitchell.
- An Introduction to Computational Learning Theory, by Michael J. Kearns and Umesh Vazirani
- Understanding Machine Learning, by Shai Shalev-Shwartz and Shai Ben-David.
- Foundations of Machine Learning, by Mehryar Mohri, Afshin Rostamizadeh, and Ameet Talwalkar.
- Trustworthy Machine Learning, by Kush R. Varshney.
- Interpretable Machine Learning – A Guide for Making Black Box Models Explainable, by Christoph Molnar.
- Fairness and Machine Learning – Limitations and Opportunities, by Solon Barocas, Moritz Hardt, and Arvind Narayanan.
Personal Notes
- Essentials on the Analysis of Randomized Algorithms
- Basic Tools and Techniques for Algorithms in Learning Theory
- Tools for Bounding Probabilities
- Learning Conjunctions with Equivalence and Membership Queries
- Upper Bound on Malicious Noise Rate for PAC Learning
- Notes on Evolution and Learning (ignore the (1+1)-EA and the related discussion in Section 8)
Assigned Readings
- Queries and Concept Learning, by Dana Angluin.
- Sections 1 to 2.4, as well as Section 6 are mandatory; rest is optional.
- Four types of noise in data for PAC learning, by Robert Sloan.
- Up to and including Section 2.2 is mandatory; rest is optional.
- Learning From Noisy Examples, by Dana Angluin and Philip Laird.
- Sections 1 – 2. Rest is optional.
- Improved Noise-Tolerant Learning and Generalized Statistical Queries, by Javed A. Aslam and Scott E. Decatur
- Sections 1 – 3. Rest is optional.
- Some related notes by Javed Aslam are available here.
- The Statistical Query model was introduced is in the paper Efficient Noise-Tolerant Learning from Statistical Queries, by Michael Kearns. Reading part or all of this paper is optional; I am mentioning it here because clearly it is very relevant.
- Below, listed as an optional reading, are the slides from the Tutorial on Statistical Queries, by Lev Reyzin. These slides are useful as a backup as well as for a quick reference in the future. These slides are now also accompanied by a short manuscript called Statistical Queries and Statistical Algorithms: Foundations and Applications that is also suggested below as an optional reading.
- On-Line Algorithms in Machine Learning, by Avrim Blum.
- On-Line Learning with an Oblivious Environment and the Power of Randomization, by Wolfgang Maass. Theorem 2.1 is mandatory. The rest of the paper is optional.
Optional Readings
- The Lack of A Priori Distinctions Between Learning Algorithms, by David Wolpert.
- A Few Useful Things to Know About Machine Learning, by Pedro Domingos. (alternate version)
- A Theory of the Learnable, by Leslie Valiant.
- Occam's Razor, by Anselm Blumer, Andrej Ehrenfeucht, David Haussler, and Manfred K. Warmuth.
- Learnability and the Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension, by Anselm Blumer, Andrej Ehrenfeucht, David Haussler, and Manfred K. Warmuth.
- A survey of some aspects of computational learning theory, by György Turán.
- Learning Disjunctions of Conjunctions, by Leslie Valiant.
- Learning in the Presence of Malicious Errors, by Michael Kearns and Ming Li.
- PAC Learning with nasty noise, by Nader H. Bshouty, Nadav Eiron, and Eyal Kushilevitz.
- Learning under p-tampering poisoning attacks, by Saeed Mahloujifar, Dimitrios Diochnos and Mohammad Mahmoody.
- Adversarial Risk and Robustness: General Definitions and Implications for the Uniform Distribution, by Dimitrios Diochnos, Saeed Mahloujifar and Mohammad Mahmoody.
- Efficient Noise-Tolerant Learning from Statistical Queries, by Michael Kearns.
- Statistical Queries and Statistical Algorithms: Foundations and Applications, by Lev Reyzin. This text is based on the Tutorial on Statistical Queries that Lev Reyzin gave in the conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT) of 2018.
[Computational Learning Theory Resources] [Table of Contents] [Top]
Class Log
A log for the class will be held online here.
Week 1 (Aug 20 & Aug 22, 2024)
Discussion on syllabus and policies.
Discussion of coupon collector's problem. We derived the expected running time of the process of collecting all $N$ coupons.
Mentioned the existence of the following handouts:
- Tools for Bounding Probabilities — a simple collection of bounds that can prove to be useful on probabilistic arguments.
- Basic Tools and Techniques for Algorithms in Learning Theory — contains basic knowledge from probability theory, applications, a rather simple approach on PAC algorithms and a historical overview. Please read Section 3 and perhaps re-read it when we start discussing PAC learning later in the course.
- Essentials on the Analysis of Randomized Algorithms — perhaps the most important and related part to our course is Section 3 which also covers the coupon collector problem.
Started discussion on concept learning using queries. Learning monotone conjunctions using membership queries.
Week 2 (Aug 27 & Aug 29, 2024)
Learning monotone and general conjunctions using equivalence queries. The relevant handout is available here.
The sunflower and the double sunflower lemma.
Discussion on basic terminology and enumeration of simple classes of functions.
Begin discussion on concept learning and version spaces.
Assigned Tue, Aug 27: Homework 1. Due on Thu, Sep 12 (week 4).
Week 3 (Sep 3 & Sep 5, 2024)
Conclusion of concept learning and version spaces.
Beginning of decision trees.
Week 4 (Sep 10 & Sep 12, 2024)
Conclusion of decision trees.
Linear models for classification using perceptrons.
Sep 12, 2024
Due today: Homework 1.
Assigned Tue, Aug 27: Homework 2. Due on Thu, Sep 26 (week 6).
Week 5 (Sep 17 & Sep 19, 2023)
Introduction to PAC learning - definitions.
Assigned Reading: Started Chapter 2 from the book Foundations of Machine Learning. Equivalently, from the book Understanding Machine Learning, we started discussing the content of Chapters 2 and 3.
Efficient PAC-learnability of axis-aligned rectangles (using Find-S)
Assigned Reading: This is Example 2.4 from the book Foundations of Machine Learning. Equivalently, this is the first example in Chapter 1 in the Kearns-Vazirani book.
Theorem for learning in the realizable case using a finite hypothesis space.
Efficient PAC-learnability of conjunctions (using Find-S).
Assigned Reading: Section 1.3 in the Kearns-Vazirani book.
Week 6 (Sep 24 & Sep 26, 2024)
Discussion on version spaces, consistent learners, Occam algorithms and generalization.
Theorem for sample complexity of PAC learning using finite hypothesis spaces (in the realizable case).
Discussed some implications of the theorem that we proved last time; e.g., we improved the sample complexity of PAC learning conjunctions without even arguing about the algorithm that can be used for learning. We also saw a specific example of plugging-in certain values for ε and δ.
Assigned Reading: Sections 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3 (up until 7.3.1 but not 7.3.1 yet) from Tom Mitchell's book. This is where Mitchell is introducing PAC learning and is proving the theorem with the sample size for finite hypothesis spaces in the realizable case.
Assigned Reading: From the book Foundations of Machine Learning, Theorem 2.5 corresponds to the Theorem that we proved in class about finite hypothesis spaces in the realizable case and Example 2.6 has the discussion that we did in class for improving the sample size needed for PAC learning conjunctions using Find-S.
Optional Reading: Occam's Razor, by Anselm Blumer, Andrej Ehrenfeucht, David Haussler, and Manfred K. Warmuth. This is the paper that proved this simple but very important theorem for finite hypothesis spaces when realizability holds.
Optional Reading: A Few Useful Things to Know About Machine Learning, by Pedro Domingos.
Set covering and finding an O(log(m)) optimal approximation with a greedy algorithm.
Application of the algorithm to PAC learning conjunctions with few relevant literals by covering the negative examples (that Find-S would otherwise ignore) with the literals obtained from the solution of Find-S (that initially only takes into account the positive examples).
Sep 26, 2024
Due today: Homework 2.
Sep 27, 2024
Assigned today: Homework 3. Due on Sat, Oct 10.
Week 7 (Oct 1 & Oct 3, 2024)
Theorem for agnostic PAC learning using finite hypotheses spaces and empirical risk minimization.
Week 8 (Oct 8 & Oct 10, 2024)
Intractability of learning 3-term DNF formulae.
Assigned Reading: The rest of Section 7.3 from Tom Mitchell's book.
Optional Reading: This is discussed in Section 1.4 in the Kearns-Vazirani Book.
Intractability of learning 3-term DNF properly.
Efficiently PAC learning k-term DNF formulae using k-CNF formulae. This was a reduction that allowed us to solve a problem using an algorithm (Find-S) for solving another problem (simple conjunctions). So, the representation of the hypotheses is very important in PAC learning, and whereas it is hard to PAC learn k-term DNF formulae properly, nevertheless, we can efficiently PAC learn k-term DNF formulae in the realizable case using k-CNF formulae.
Assigned Reading:
- From Tom Mitchell's book, Sections 7.3.2 and 7.3.3. For the discussion on the VC dimension see Sections 7.4 – 7.4.2 (including 7.4.2).
- From the book Foundations of Machine Learning, see Example 2.6, Example 2.8, and Example 2.9. See also Sections 3.1 and 3.2 for the discussion on the VC dimension. It also has several examples, some of which we discuss in class.
- Alternatively you can have a look at the Kearns-Vazirani book in Sections 1.4 and 1.5, regarding learning 3-term DNF formulae.
Introduction to the VC-dimension. What it means to prove a lower bound and what it means to prove an upper bound.
The growth function $\Pi_{\mathcal{H}}(m)$.
Discussed the VC-dimension of thresholds on a line. Difference compared to a perceptron in 1 dimension.
Discussed the VC-dimension of axis-aligned rectangles in 2 dimensions as well as in d dimensions.
Upper bound on the VC dimension $d$ of a finite hypothesis space; that is, $d \le \lg(|\mathcal{H}|)$.
Application of the bound on the VC dimension for finite hypotheses spaces, so that we can compute tight bounds on the VC dimension of monotone and general conjunctions.
Assigned Reading: From the Kearns-Vazirani book, Sections 3.1 – 3.3 (VC dimension).
Optional Reading: From the book Foundations of Machine Learning, see Sections 3.2 and 3.3 for the discussion on the VC dimension. It also has several examples, some of which we discuss in class.
Oct 8
Assigned today: Homework 4. Due on Tue, Oct 22.
Oct 10
Due today: Homework 3.
Week 9 (Oct 15 & Oct 17, 2024)
Oct 15
More on the VC-dimension.
Discussion of the different guarantees that we have for PAC learning in the realizable case as well as for agnostic learning.
Oct 17
Solutions to the first three homework assignments; preparation for the midterm.
Week 10 (Oct 22 & Oct 24, 2024)
Oct 22
Introduction to adversarial machine learning.
Training time attacks: Noise and poisoning attacks.
Test-time attacks: Evasion attacks (adversarial examples).
Attacks involving both phases: Backdoor and hybrid attacks.
For now we focus on noise. Discussion on different noise models.
- Bob Sloan has a nice description for several cases of noise models in Four types of noise in data for PAC learning.
- Apart from the models mentioned in Bob Sloan's paper we will mentioned the nasty noise model as a bounded-budget version of the malicious noise model. We will also make a related discussion here we will be discussing more about poisoning attacks (p-tampering being the analogue of malicious noise and strong "clean label" p-budget attacks being the analogue of nasty noise).
Assigned Reading: Four types of noise in data for PAC learning, by Robert Sloan. Up to and including Section 2.2 is mandatory reading; the rest is optional.
Optional Reading: PAC Learning with nasty noise, by Nader H. Bshouty, Nadav Eiron, and Eyal Kushilevitz.
We showed that the malicious noise that can be tolerated by PAC learning algorithms is less than $\varepsilon$, regardless of the concept class being learnt, where $\varepsilon$ is the usual parameter for bounding the risk in PAC learning. The result that we showed was a simple variant of the result of Kearns and Li from their paper Learning in the Presence of Malicious Errors using the method of induced distributions; in particular Theorem 1 from that paper.
Assigned Reading: Notes on what we discussed in class.
Optional Reading: Learning in the Presence of Malicious Errors, by Michael Kearns and Ming Li.
Optional Reading: Learning Disjunctions of Conjunctions, by Leslie Valiant. (The paper that introduced malicious noise.)
Oct 24
Solutions to the fourth homework assignment; preparation for the midterm.
Week 11 (Oct 29 & Oct 31, 2024)
Oct 29
Oct 31
Return midterm to students and discussion of solutions.
Week 12 (Nov 5 & Nov 7, 2024)
Overview of random misclassification noise and related results.
Week 13 (Nov 12 & Nov 14, 2024)
Derivation of sample size for random misclassification noise.
Upper bound on the noise rate.
Minimizing disagreements is NP-hard for conjunctions.
Discussion on PAC learning under class imbalance.
Week 14 (Nov 19 & Nov 21, 2024)
Concluded class imblanace and derivation of error rate under the uniform distribution for monotone conjunctions.
Adversarial machine learning. Poisoning attacks and adversarial examples.
Clean-label attacks and related results.
Adversarial examples and different definitions of adversarial risk.
Week 15 (Nov 26 & Nov 28, 2024)
Nov 26, 2024
Nov 28, 2024
Thanksgiving. No class.
Week 16 (Dec 3, Dec 5, & Dec 6, 2024)
Dec 3, 2024
Dec 5, 2024
Dec 6, 2024
End-of-semester poster presentations. (Checkpoint 4 for your semester-long projects.)
Week 17 (Dec 12, 2024; 8:00am – 10:00am)
Normally this would be the day and time for the final exam in this class. However, this class does not have a final exam due to the semester-long project.
[Class Log] [Table of Contents] [Top]