Here you can find papers in preparation, surveys, and other documents.
International Olympiad in Informatics, 2004
- Enumerating Hurdles. The proposition for the problem hurdles (joint work with Prof. I. Z. Emiris) that appeared as Empodia in the International Olympiad in Informatics - '04 (the original domain was www.ioi2004.org), Sep 2004. If you are interested in related software have a look here.
Artificial Intelligence
- A brief introduction to Search Problems, Mar 2008.
Randomized Algorithms
Theoretical Computer Science Cheat Sheet
- Theoretical Computer Science Cheat Sheet.
This document was not created by me, but it can still be very handy and for this reason I am listing it here.
Strategy Games
On the offered skills in Heroes of Might and Magic III, Jan 2008.
This is a survey covering mainly the work and the results that are available online in the thread On the internals of offered skills when leveling-up a hero, Heroes Community, started Apr 2006. If you are interested in the related software, have a look here.
Other Reports
Strategy Games
- internals_mc on multiple cores, Apr 2008.